New Life Worship Centre

2025 My Year of Greatness...! Verse of the month... Psalm 27:1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall i fear? The Lord is the strenght of my life; of whom shall i be afraid.

Our Vision

Transforming lives and restoring hope – Romans 12:2

Our Mission

To empower the community and help the next generation to take hold of their future.

We accomplish this by preaching and teaching the Word of God (the Bible). We recognise that it is essential to establish and strengthen our relationship with God through prayer on a daily basis.

We are devoted to praising and worshipping our God, who is worthy of praise.


The Bible: We believe the Bible to be divinely inspired and that the Holy Scriptures carry the authority of God. That the bible is infallible and immutable in its.

God Exists in Three Persons: The Trinity: We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Man’s Depraved Nature: We believe that “All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God” and are subject to eternal punishment and need repentance and regeneration through the finish work of Calvary.

The Saviour: We believe that man’s need of a saviour has been met in the person of Jesus Christ, because of His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, resurrection and ascension.

Repentance, Justification and Sanctification: We believe all men have to repent and confess their sins before God, and believe in the vicarious death of Jesus Christ to be justified before God. We believe in the sanctification of the believers through the working of the Holy Spirit and in God’s gift of eternal life to the believers.

The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper: We believe in the sacrament of Baptism by immersion, as a testimony of a convert who has attained a responsible age of about 12 years above. We also believe in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, which would be partaken by all members who are in full fellowship with the Lord.

Baptism, Gifts and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit: We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers with signs and wonders following; and in the operation of the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. 

Next Life: We believe in the resurrection of both saved and unsaved, the saved to the resurrection of eternal life, and the unsaved to the resurrection of damnation in the eternal fire in hell at the personal visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in Power and Glory.

Offerings: We believe in the giving of sacrificial free-will offering towards the cause of carrying forward the kingdom of God. We believe that God blesses a cheerful giver, and giving as an act of covenant with God.

Divine Healing: We believe that the healing of sickness and disease is provided for God’s people in the atonement. In the beginning God did not intend for man to know sickness, sin came and sickness came. Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for sins so sickness must be resisted.

Church government by: Apostle, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Elders and Deacons.